Papers I Read Notes and Summaries

Zero-shot Learning by Generating Task-specific Adapters


  • The paper introduces HYPTER - a framework for zero-shot learning (ZSL) in text-to-text transformer models by training a HyperNetwork to generate task-specific adapters from task descriptions.

  • The focus is on in-task zero-shot learning (e.g., learning to predict an unseen class or relation) and not on cross-task learning (e.g., training on sentiment analysis and evaluating on question-answering task).

  • Link to the paper


  • Task - a NLP task, like classification or question answering.

  • Sub-task

    • A class/relation/question within a task.

    • Denotes by a tuple $(d, D)$ where $d$ is the language description while $D$ represents the subtask’s dataset.


  • Develop ZSL approach for transfer to new subtasks within a task, using the task description available for each subtask.


  • HYPTER has two main parts:

    • Main network

      • A pretrained text-to-text network

      • Instantiated as a BERT-Base/Large

    • HyperNetwork

      • Generates the weights for adapter networks that will be plugged into the main network.
  • HyperNetwork has two parts:

    • Encoder

      • Encodes the task description

      • Instantiated as a RoBERTa-Base model

    • Decoder

      • Decodes the encoding into weights for multiple adapters (in parallel)

      • Instantiated as a Feedforward Network

  • The model trains in two phases:

    • Main network is trained on all the data by concatenating the task description with the input.

    • Adapters are trained by sampling a task from the train set while keeping the main network frozen.
