Papers I Read Notes and Summaries

Harvest, Yield, and Scalable Tolerant Systems


  • A classic paper that looks into strategies for scaling large systems that can tolerate graceful degradation.

  • Link to the paper

CAP Theorem

  • CAP refers to strong Consistency, high Availability, and Partitionability.

  • Strong consistency refers to single copy ACID consistency.

  • High availability means any consumer can access the data anytime. Generally, this is achieved by adding one or more data replicas.

  • Partitionability means that the system can survive a partition between the different replicas.

  • Strong CAP theorem states that any system can have only two out of three properties.

  • Weak CAP theorem says that stronger are the guarantees about any two properties, weaker are the third property’s guarantees.

Harvest, Yield, and CAP Theorem

  • Assume that the clients are making a request to a server.

  • There are two quantities of interest here:

    • Yield - the probability of completing a request.
    • Harvest - completeness of answer to a query.
  • In the presence of faults, a tradeoff can is made between yield and harvest. This tradeoff applies to both read and update queries.

Two strategies for scaling systems

Trading Harvest for Yield

  • In a hundred node cluster (without replication), a single-node failure reduces harvest by 1 %, and in the case of multi-node failure, the harvest degrades linearly.

  • The probability of losing high-priority data can be reduced by replicating it. However, replicating all the data would not n guarantee 100% harvest and yield despite significant costs.

Application Decomposition and Orthogonal Mechanisms

  • Decompose a large application into subcomponents so that each component can be provisioned separately. Strong consistency can only be applied only on the components that need it, instead of the application as a whole.

  • Further, failure of one or more components need not cause the application to fail as a whole.

  • Decomposition also provides the opportunity to use orthogonal mechanisms, i.e., mechanisms independent of other mechanisms with no runtime interface.

  • Composition of orthogonal subsystems improves the robustness of runtime interactions by locally containing the errors. For example, the orthogonal components can be restarted /replaced independently without affecting other running components.